Friday, August 24, 2007


I am leaving work a little early today to go home, load up the car, spend nearly three hours in traffic so that I can spend thirty six hours at the Jersey shore, then spend another 3 hours in traffic on the trip back.

Don't you just love the weekends!

I hope everyone has a great weekend!

O well, time to go sit in traffic ....


Jenny! said...

Traffic sucks...i Hope its worth it!

jford said...

It wasn't bad. So how was your weekend. I really need to get the hang on this blogging. I must post frequently! Were do you find all those great photos that you post?

Jenny! said...

I find all my pics from searches i do...and if i reveal my sources i would have to kill you! Right? Dude...Google! I just have clever search terms!

My weekend was decent! Thanks for asking!